A Battle Flag for Col. Reily's Regiment.
We are gratified to learn that a Battle Flag has been presented to this brave and veteran regiment. They have fairly won this honor from the lovely and appreciative women of Texas. These tried troops will never desert or disgrace their colors.
Col. James Reily, 1st Regiment,
Sibley's Brigade, 4th Reg't, T. M. V.
Colonel—Hearing that your gallant Brigade has been ordered by the Commanding General to have your Galveston honors embroidered upon your standards, we could not resist the pleasure of preparing a flag, for the special occasion and presentment to your regiment. Your weather-beaten banner that has so often floated upon Arizona breezes and beneath New Mexico skies, might with just propriety claim the inscription. But Houston feels that it is her privilege to present to you, (you, who have so constantly and patriotically upheld her honor) and to your brave officers and men, this flag, commencing as you did the new year with two victories, whose deathless names shall soon entwine proudly and gracefully with those of the glorious days of the Republic of Texas.
Our prayer is, that this banner may go before you as the pillar of fire and the cloud did before the Israelites—leading you to fresh triumph over the foe, and leading you all safely at last to the Promised Land of a peaceful, united, independent, liberated Confederacy. God bless and preserve you all.
Mrs. Jane M. Young,
Mrs. C. M. Allen,
Mrs. A. J. Burke.
Houston, February 7th, 1863.
Headquarters, Sibley's Brigade, }
Houston, Feb. 7th, 1863. }
Mrs. Jane M. Young, Mrs. C. M. Allen and Mrs. A. J. Burke and Associates:
The battle-flag made by you for my regiment (1st Reg. Sibley's Brigade) has been received, and will be presented to my fellow soldiers, whom it is intended to honor. I hail it as the token of the confidence which some of the loveliest women of Texas repose in the courage and patriotism of some of the bravest men of Texas. Sustained by strong arms and fearless hearts, it marches to float in triumph, over a new theatre of danger and of glory. Upon its crimson field, your fair hands have embroidered the battles on which these gallant troops have met and vanquished the abolition foe, and with the blessing of God, when peace is restored, and our national independence secured, we hope to return it to you, to inscribe on it the names of other victories equally as gallant as those already achieved by their heroism. The officers and men you thus compliment are proud of your confidence, and on their behalf I promise you that the flag entrusted to their valor, will never be lowered in defeat, until the last one of its guard shall have fallen
"With his feet to the foe
And his face to the sky."
With sentiments of highest respect.
James Reily
Col. 4th R. T. M. V. and Commanding Sibley's brigade.
Civil War Newspapers by Vicky Betts
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