Friday, May 25, 2007

Battle of Brashear City, LA. June 23, 1863.

Report of Maj. Sherod Hunter, Baylor's (Texas) Cavalry, commanding
Mosquito Fleet, of the capture of Brashear City.

BRASHEAR CITY, June 26, 1863

GENERAL: I have the honor to report to you the result of the expedition placed under my command by your order June 20.

In obedience to your order, I embarked my command, 325 strong, on the evening of June 22, at the mouth of Bayou Teche, in forty-eight skiffs and flats, collected for that purpose. Proceeding up the Atchafalaya into Grand Lake, I halted, and muffled oars and again struck, and, after a steady pull of about eight hours, reached the shore in the rear of Brashear City. Here, owing to the swampy nature of the country, we were delayed some time in finding a landing place; but at length succeeded, and about sunrise commenced to disembark my troops, the men wading out in water from 2 to 3 feet deep to the shore, shoving their boats into deep water as they left them. Thus cutting off all means of retreat, we could only fight and win. We were again delayed here a short time in finding a road, but succeeded at length in finding a trail that led us by a circuitous route through a palmetto swamp, some 2 miles across, through which I could only move in single file.

About 5:30 we reached open ground in the rear of and in full view of Brashear City, about 800 yards distant. I here halted the command, and, after resting a few minutes, again moved on, under cover of a skirt of timber, until within 400 yards of the enemy's position, where I formed my men in order of battle. Finding myself discovered by the enemy, I determined to charge a once , and dividing my command into two columns, ordered the left (composed of Captains [J.P.] Clough, of [Thomas] Green's regiment, [Fifth Texas Cavalry]; [W. A.] McDade, of Waller's battalion; [J.T.] Hamilton, of [L.C.] Roundtree's battalion, and [J.D.] Blair, of Second Louisiana Cavalry) to charge the fort and camp below and to the left of the depot, and the right (composed of Captains [James H.] Price, [D. C.] Carrington, and [R.P.] Boyce, all of [G.W.] Baylor's Texas cavalry) to charge the fort and the sugar-house above and on the right of the depot; both columns to concentrate at the railroad buildings, at which point the enemy were posted in force and under good cover, each column having nearly the same distance to move, and would arrive simultaneously at the point of concentration. Everything being in readiness, the command was given, and the troops moved on with a yell. Being in full view, we were subjected to a heavy fire from the forts above and below, the gun at the sugar-house, and the gunboats below town, but, owing to the rapidity of our movements, it had but little effect. The forts made but a feeble resistance, and each column pressed on to the point of concentration, carrying everything before them. At the depot the fighting was severe, but of short duration, the enemy surrendering the town.

My loss is 3 killed and 18 wounded; that of the enemy, 46 killed, 40 wounded, and about 1,300 prisoners. We have captured eleven 24 and 32 pounder siege guns; 2500 stand of small-arms (Enfield and Burnside rifles), and immense quantities of quartermaster's, commissary, and ordnance stores, some 2,000 negroes, and between 200 and 300 wagons and tents.

I cannot speak too highly of the gallantry and good conduct of the officers and men under my command. All did their whole duty, and deserve alike equal credit from our country for our glorious and signal victory.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major, Baylor's (Texas) Cavalry,Commanding Mosquito Fleet.

Brig. Gen. Alfred Mouton,

Commanding South Red River

Source: OR Series I, Vol. XXVI, Part 1, pp. 223-224

See also:

Brig. Gen Thomas Green's Report of the LaFourche Campaign, June 22 - July 13, 1863.

Brig. Gen Thomas Green's Report of the LaFourche Campaign, June 22 - July 13, 1863.

Brigade, of operations June 22 - July 13.
Near Panco, on the La Fourche, June 30, 1863

GENERAL: Early in this month I was ordered by you to the Lower Teche, for the purpose of reconnoitering the enemy at Brashear, and to collect together and fit up light boats preparatory to making a descent upon the enemy , if practicable. While engaged in the execution of these orders, you came down and assumed command, ordering me to advance toward the bay.

On the night of the 22nd instant, in accordance with orders, I moved to Cochran's sugar-house, 2 miles distant from the bay, with the Fifth Texas, Second Louisiana Cavalry, and Waller's battalion, and the Valverde and a section of Nichols' batteries, leaving our horses at that place. I advanced the troops above mentioned on foot before daylight to the village of Berwick, opposite the enemy's encampment.

At the dawn of day, finding the enemy quiet and asleep, I opened fire upon him from the Valverde Battery. The first shot exploded in the center of his encampment, causing the greatest confusion, the distance being only about 900 yards. We fired about 40 or 50 shots from our battery into the enemy before he replied to us at all. The first shot from the enemy was fired on us from his gunboat, which was at anchor in the bay a short distance below our position. After daylight the gunboat advanced toward us as if to contest with our battery the position we occupied on the water's edge, but a few well-directed shots from the Valverde Battery drove the boat 1 mile below, where she opened on us with her heavy guns. About the same time several batteries from the opposite shore opened on us. The shot on the enemy was so well directed that we found it necessary to shift the position of our guns and caissons. The heavy gun on shore which first opened fire on us from the principal fort above Brashear, with the garrison of that fort, was brought down nearly opposite my position , and opened fire on me. With the running of the gunboat, and drawing out this heavy gun, and most of the garrison from Fort Buchanan, left the waters above free to the approach of Major [Sherod] Hunter's command in our little flotilla to Tiger Island. Major Hunter, who had moved under your orders from the mouth of the Teche during the night of the 22nd on board our Mosquito Fleet, landed, unperceived and unsuspected by the enemy, above their defenses, and making his way through the swamp , about 7 o'clock on the morning of the 23rd attacked the enemy in his rear while I was occupying
him in front, completely surprising and routing him.

The enemy surrendered their defenses and the town of Brashear to Major Hunter doubt 7:30 o'clock on the morning of the 23rd. Major Hunter's command consisted of about 300 men form Baylor's, the Fifth Texas, and Waller's battalion, and Second Louisiana Cavalry (picked men). After crossing a part of the troops, I was ordered to pursue the enemy to the Boeuf. During the evening of the same day, I had quite an animated skirmish with him at the Ramos, where he had burned both the railroad and public bridges, and was well fortified on the east bank; but, finding that I had flanked him with a part of my command on the east side of the Beouf , he hastily retreated. I threw a small detachment over the Ramos on the night of the 23rd, and moved them as close as possible to the enemy on the Boeuf. Colonel Major's command being behind the enemy, and it being difficult for him to escape, about 400 strong surrendered to us about daylight on the morning of the 24th.

Our troops during the three days' campaign did their duty with great alacrity, and behaved with gallantry on all occasions.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, commanding First Cavalry Brigade.

Brigadier-General Mouton,
Commanding, &c.

Source: OR Series I, vol. 1, pp. 225-226

See also: